Restaurant San Gennaro has quickly established itself as Zurich’s pizza hotspot. If you read the articles in the trade press and user reviews online, San Gennaro makes the best pizza in Zurich. There are various reasons for this. One is certainly that San Gennaro only uses products from Naples, which the chef Andrea Giancane has personally sourced. He knows his producers and knows where the products come from.

Axino gets to the core of the San Gennaro dough pieces
Another reason is the way the pizzas are made. One special feature is that the dough is baked in the pizza oven at 450° Celsius for 90 seconds. However, precision is not only required from the pizzaiolo during dough kneading, but also in the work steps beforehand. “Our dough pieces are proofed for up to 72 hours. The dough must always have a certain moisture content and core temperature. This is the only way to give our guests the San Gennaro quality they are used to. To ensure this remains the case, we use Axino at the San Gennaro restaurant,” says Andrea Giancane.

Checking the core temperature for each product group
Of course, it’s not just dough that rests in the restaurant’s 10 refrigerators. The large walk-in fridges behind the restaurant in the production area contain various meats, seafood, and vegetables. Next to them are smaller fridges with doors, which contain, for example, mozzarella, fior di latte from Napoli, and organic eggs from Graubünden. Each product group is checked by the Axino solution.

Because the quality of his products is his top priority, Andrea relies on Axino. Whether it’s the ingredients or the drinks – quality must be guaranteed along the entire chain. That’s why an Axino sensor is active in each of the four drinks coolers under the bar.
More time for guests thanks to Axino
The San Gennaro has been equipped with Axino since November 2023. Axino data shows that the San Gennaro team was able to spend 30 more hours serving guests instead of taking temperature readings. A welcome added value for the restaurateur: “In day-to-day business, when our restaurant is full, Axino relieves us enormously. The team can concentrate fully on the guests,” says the Zurich native with Italian roots.

Real-time quality control for restaurants
As in most establishments, Pizzeria San Gennaro used to check the food by hand and probe it. Thanks to Axino, this is no longer necessary. The company is also better prepared for food inspections.
Andrea sees a further advantage in the real-time control of the core temperature: “We have often lost production batches because a cooler broke down overnight. That no longer happens. During the night, we are informed via the Axino app and can react immediately,” says the pizza professional. The Axino solution checks the core temperature 288 times in 24 hours – in other words, virtually in real time.
“The security that Axino gives our team is the most important thing for me. I can rely on the Axino solution. The responsibility still lies with us. But it makes things easier for us and we can focus more on hospitality and making pizzas – our passion.”