Migros Zurich and Axino introduce automatic core temperature checks for food products

Media release

Zurich, November 23, 2023 – Axino, in collaboration with the Migros Cooperative Zurich, has introduced an innovative solution for measuring the core temperature of chilled food. Traditionally, the core temperature of food is measured manually. Either by piercing the food with a temperature needle. Or by employees reading temperature values on refrigeration systems. Thanks to Axino’s solution, the core temperature is measured automatically for each individual product group – without having to pierce the food.

Axino measures the core temperature of Migros food 288 times a day

Axino works by means of small sensors that are placed in the Migros refrigeration units. The wireless Axino solution measures the core temperature of the food with the precision of Swiss clockwork: accurately, automatically, and up to 288 times a day. There is an optimized algorithm for each product group. The algorithms work in the background and take into account not only the product groups, but also the temperature dynamics of the refrigeration systems. Migros stores equipped with Axino are informed in real time via an app if there is a temperature deviation and can take immediate action.

"It's as if Axino gives our chilled food a voice" - Migros

For Irina Huss, Quality Manager at Migros, this technology is a real game changer in food quality assurance. “Temperature measurement with Axino gives my team and me a direct insight into the product quality in our sales outlets. It’s as if Axino gives our chilled food a voice. This solution makes the work of many Migros employees easier and offers consumers an immediate guarantee of food quality in real time.” The quality management department of the Migros Cooperative Zurich initiated the promising project six years ago. Axino took over the implementation. The first stores went live two years ago. Since then, over 8,000 Axino sensors have been in use at Migros Zurich.

Axino saves electricity and takes work off the hands of Migros store employees

Thanks to the new solution, the time spent checking refrigeration appliances in Migros stores has been significantly reduced. This means that employees can now focus more on customer service or stock maintenance instead.

Urs Raimann, manager of the Migros City store, where Axino has been in operation for two years, says: “Axino has proven to be a key technology for my store in view of the ever-increasing demands on food quality. Axino also takes work off our hands: my employees hardly have to check refrigerators any more. That leaves time for other tasks.”

Lukas Bischof, Head of Facility Management at Migros Zurich, is also delighted with the new solution: “The reliability of refrigeration systems plays a crucial role in food quality. With the support of Axino, we can set our refrigeration units to optimum levels. In addition, the Axino application is an important tool for my team to better assess the performance of the coolers and make data-based decisions for the procurement of optimal refrigeration units, which saves energy and money.”

More Migros stores to follow

Mario Vögeli, CEO of Axino, says of the successful collaboration with Migros Zurich: “We would like to thank Migros Zurich for their trust in Axino. With the Axino solution, we want to support all retailers in ensuring that their food remains healthy at its core.”

The collaboration between Migros and Axino is already bearing fruit. Following the successful launch at Migros Zurich, the Axino solution is now being tested at the Migros Cooperatives in Geneva, Vaud, Neuchâtel/Fribourg and Migrolino.

Media contact Axino

Meyer – Strategies for a Digital World GmbH

Matthias Meyer | Inhaber



+41 79 730 60 58

Axino Lösung in einer Fischtheke der Migros
Axino Lösung in einer Fischtheke der Migros
